SQL Server/SQL Operators
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Operators are used to limit the number of results from the query. Also they are used for mathematical and logical operations. Here are a few types of operators.

Standard Operators:

=         equal to
<>, !=         not equal to
<         less than
<=         less than or equal to
>         greater than
>=         greater than or equal to
between     used to show between two numbers

Logical Operators:

AND         used when both conditions are included
OR         used when either of the condition is true
NOT         opposite of the logical value

Null Operator:

IS NULL     this checks if the field has a null
IS NOT NULL     this checks to see if it is not null

List Operator:

IN         included in the list e.g.
        IN ('Phoenix', 'Dallas', 'San Diego') checks to make sure the city is         one of the three listed
NOT IN     not included in the list
BETWEEN     used to limit the values in a range e.g.
        BETWEEN 55 AND 65 checks to see that the age of the employee         is in the correct range

Character Operator:

LIKE         equal to some character (use quotes)
NOT LIKE     not equal to the character

Note: With the LIKE operator, you can also use % around the character to return similar patterns e.g.

If the list of Names include John, Mike, Tim and Josh

LIKE 'Jo%' with return John and Josh