What Firefox is, it is a software browser. Firefox is unique on couple of counts. It is a free and open source software and is reputed to be the safest browser among the popular products. What does the Firefox do is find specified websites. It will download the page data of the specified page. Firefox development and support is managed by the Mozilla Foundation through Mozilla Corporation. Being open source any improvement made by anyone is available to everyone else. As part of the safe reputation the Firefox browser keeps you safe from unsafe sites by notifying that the particular site is a threat. All you need to do is to stay away from it. What Firefox is able to do is provide protections from many other threats through keeping you safe from being tracked (if you wanted to) and other protections. Quite a few popular browsers are now available. These include,

  1. Internet Explorer from Microsoft
  2. Opera from Opera software
  3. Chrome from Google
  4. Safari from Apple

Platforms that Firefox is able to work with, are Linux, Windows and the Mac OS. However, many other browser products are available. While the above are the most popular ones, there are others that are close behind these first set of browsers. During the early days of the Internet, Mosaic was the first browser, with text only capabilities. Soon Netscape came on the scene that provided the capabilities to render images in the web pages. Now, most of the popular browsers offer capabilities that can display, text, images, audio, video and all other data that the web pages can offer. What Firebox is capable of offering is display of all the kinds of data and then multi-tabbed surfing, safe and anonymous surfing, etc.

What Mozilla Firefox enables the user is the capability to open more than one page on multiple tabs. Viewing these multiple pages at the same time becomes simple. One could, for example, open multiple mail sites to make looking at the day’s mail received on your mail addresses. If you wanted to do comparative shopping, that could be done conveniently too.

Safety features include notifying user about the site, you are about to view, as safe or not. You can avoid it if you are notified that the site is suspect. In addition, what Firefox could do is save you from being tracked and compromising your privacy.

What the Mozilla Firefox browser is capable of is to collect history of your surfing and keep the data in temporary files. When there are multiple users on the same computer, any other user will be able to find out where you have been, looking at the history files. What the Firefox does to get around this issue, is to provide a private browsing mode. When the user quits the browsing session, what the Firefox will do is to clear all the historical data from the computer. No one, thus, can find out what happened during the session. What the Firefox also capable of, is to provide security features that protect you from Internet threats.

To know more about what is Firefox and to learn how to use it, you should read the following,

  1. Firefox Tutorial – GCF
  2. What is Firefox – Good overview
  3. Mozilla Firefox info – Wikipedia